Ghana targets 6000 jobs in film industry as government injects $25 million


The Government of Ghana has announced a $25 million package to the local film industry in a gesture that is among other things, aimed at buoying the employability level of the sector with 6000 additional jobs expected to be generated.

On Wednesday, 28th April 2021, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo launched the $25 million Presidential Film Pitch Series, which will, amongst others, provide Ghanaian film-makers the opportunity to access markets for their films.

The Presidential Pitch seeks to create the platform for Ghanaians filmmakers to undertake projects within the Ghanaian ecosystem.

It will engage investors, broadcasters, distributors, sponsors and platforms around the world for potential collaborations, sponsorship, investment, sales and advertising opportunities.

One hundred projects in the form of documentaries, feature films, short films, series, games and film infrastructure were received by the National Film Authority (NFA) from Ghanaian film entrepreneurs, out of which 25 projects will be shortlisted by tomorrow.

The goal is for each shortlisted project to close deals that will bring the project to fruition by benefiting from sponsorship from entities, including Amazon, Netflix and DSTV.

The President encouraged local film producers to show more creativity and innovation in their productions to make Ghanaian films not only popular within the country, but also capable of satisfying international audiences.

He announced that he had given assent to the Creative Industry Act passed by Parliament, which would help create an enabling environment for the Ghanaian film sector and the creative arts sector in general to contribute effectively to the nation’s growth.

“The establishment of the Creative Arts Agency will lead to the setting up of a Creative Arts Fund to help address the challenge of funding that has bedeviled the sector,” he added.
He said that €45 million has been approved for NAFTI to reform and retool it into a world class training facility. The school is also introducing specialized courses in scriptwriting, as well as the business of film.

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture noted that the film and music industry was a gold mine, and that the ministry would resource the sector to make Ghanaian films makers, actors and artistes become rich and comfortable, which also formed part of the government’s policy of creating jobs and wealth.

He said the target was to ensure that Ghana produced 200 world-class movies each year, which would generate 40,000 jobs in that sector alone.
He said another move was for the creation of a film bank which would ensure the production of good scripts.

He said the ministry was collaborating with the private sector to build a multipurpose studio by the end of next year to produce films and music in Ghana and urged all to support the move to create wealth for the industry and the country.


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