Revolutionizing Travel: How Women and Gen Z are Redefining the Future of Tourism


The 2024 TBCSA Leadership Conference kicked off with a series of stimulating discussions around the future of the tourism sector, but as the event unfolded, one message became clear: more diverse voices are needed if the industry is to move forward effectively. Velma Corcoran, Director of Policy for Airbnb across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, weighed in on this issue during her address and in an interview , pointing to a glaring gap that demands immediate attention.

While the conference covered a wide range of topics, Corcoran emphasized the underrepresentation of key groups—namely women and Generation Z—who are crucial for the tourism industry’s growth.

“Yes, what I would love to see from this conference is actually more young people on the stage, really showcasing those who are driving innovation. One of the key things that I spoke about was a key trend that we need to tap into: how do we appeal more to women, and how do we appeal more to Gen Z? I’m not seeing many women and Gen Z individuals participating in this conference.”, she remarked

Corcoran elucidated that women, in particular, are driving significant changes in how tourism operates globally. She highlighted how over 55% of travel research is now led by women, marking 2024 as “the year of the woman.” The influence of female consumers on the industry has never been greater, and Corcoran underscored this with a fascinating example:

“The major travel phenomenon of this year was a woman, Taylor Swift… The tour delivered $5 billion in incremental spend in the destinations where it was in one night.”

According to her, this staggering figure points to a significant trend that tourism stakeholders must pay attention to: women aren’t just influencing where we go; they’re shaping how we travel. She is hopeful that these gaps can be addressed, particularly in Africa’s developing tourism sector.

Corcoran highlighted the importance of evolving policies within the regulatory landscape to support sustainable tourism growth. She pointed to the challenge of over-tourism in Europe as a key issue that needs to be addressed. she said,

“You know, as South Africans, and I think people in Africa, we often feel, we say, well, we should be so lucky. Over-tourism doesn’t apply to us. But while right now that is true, the thing with over-tourism is that it happens in a specific space at a specific time.”

In Corcoran’s view this is a critical opportunity for Africa. The continent has the chance to anticipate and sidestep the pitfalls that have plagued other regions. Instead of waiting for crises to occur, Africa can prioritize sustainable tourism models now, ensuring that its growing sector remains balanced and beneficial for all.

Ultimately, the themes of innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability were at the heart of Corcoran’s address. As she put it, “We need to do things differently if we want different results.” According to her, if this year’s conference is any indication, those results will be driven by the very groups that have been sidelined for too long—women and the youth, ready to take the industry into the future.


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