Kenya applauds China’s decision to uphold ban on rhino and tiger parts


Kenya has lauded the Chinese government’s move to rescind its earlier decision to lift ban on rhino horn and tiger parts trade.

Kenya had earlier on joined global wildlife conservation community to vehemently oppose China’s decision to lift a 25 year ban on rhino horn and tiger parts trade.

But in a statement released by the country’s Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife today, Kenya says it “applauds China for reconsidering its decision made on 29th October 2018, which would have seen lifting the ban on importation and exportation, ban on sale, purchase, transportation, carrying and mailing of tiger and rhino parts, and ban on use of tiger and rhino parts and derivatives in medicine.”

Read full statement below:
Kenya welcomes the announcement by the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Monday 12th November 2018, through its State Council, that it has rescinded its earlier decision to lift its 25-year ban on trade in tiger and rhino parts.
The Government and the people of Kenya applaud China for reconsidering its decision made on 29th October 2018, which would have seen lifting the ban on importation and exportation, ban on sale, purchase, transportation, carrying and mailing of tiger and rhino parts, and ban on use of tiger and rhino parts and derivatives in medicine.
Upholding the ban on trade in tiger and rhino parts is a step in the right direction as this ban has been critical in conserving these iconic species. Over the 25 years of the ban, the range States of the two species have recorded growth of populations of their respective species.
In particular, Kenya has recorded a steady growth of its rhino population, which can be attributed directly to the ban in trade and global co-operation towards recovery of the rhino species.
We are committed to working with China, other Governments and Global partners to protect and conserve our biodiversity and wildlife resources.


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