Massive storm batters Sun City Resort, guests evacuated, told to go home


The Sun City Resort has been affected by a massive storm and flash floods, leading to visitors being evacuated and other guests asked to return home, Sun International said on Saturday.

It said in a statement issued on Twitter that a hail storm hit the North West region of the Pilanesberg and surrounding areas around 16:30.

“We can confirm that Sun City Resort was affected by the storm and the resultant flash floods causing substantial damage to the hotel rooms as well as the Sun Central family and entertainment precinct,” Sun International said.

Vehicles and buildings were damage and day visitors were immediately evacuated and bused away from badly affected areas.

Sun International said the resort’s emergency services are on the ground and assessing the extent of the damage.

“Contingency plans are in place to deal with mop-up operations to affected damaged hotel rooms and public areas. Guests whose accommodation was affected and are able to return home, have been requested to do so.”

Images and video clips of the damage of the flooding have gone viral on social media.



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