Kenya: Pomp and colour as Malindi hosts Bahari Cultural Expo


It was Pomp and colour in Malindi as hundreds of local and foreign tourists turned up in numbers to celebrate the second annual Bahari Cultural expo.

The fete organized by Mseto Africa was meant to showcase cultural diversity among communities living in the coastal region.

This year’s festival attracted foreign tourists and representatives of County governments from Taita Taveta, Tana River and Lamu counties.

Mijikenda cultural dancers from different corners of Kilifi County who dressed in traditional attire were at hand to entertain guests.

Taita Taveta Deputy Governor Majala Mlaghui who joined Kilifi County Deputy Governor Gideon Saburi to grace the ceremony said the region’s leadership was committed in promoting the tourism sector in efforts aimed at enhancing tourist numbers.

He said Malindi is among the resort towns that used to attract large number of tourists but the numbers have gone down due to security concerns and over reliance on the Italian market.

Kilifi County Deputy Governor Gideon Saburi said they have already begun repackaging the area for tourism in conjunction with the Ministry of tourism and expressed optimism that the sector was headed for better times.

Saburi assured tourists that security in the coastal region had improved remarkably.

Freddie De Curatolo representing tourism stakeholders operating in Malindi and Watamu said the Bahari cultural expo has played a major role in reviving the tourism sector.

Source: Beatrice Gatonye-KBC.CO.KE


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