José Gonçalves resigns as Tourism Minister of Cabo Verde


Cabo Verde’s Minister of Maritime Economy and Tourism and Transport José Gonçalves has resigned from the Government citing personal reasons for his exit.

The news come as a shock the Goverment as well as the international community of whom Mr Goncalves worked with.

Speaking on Last week Friday after his exit, he said he leaves the portfolio with a sense of accomplishment.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of his successor in Praia Dr Goncalves said “Personal duty accomplished, mission accomplished, great solutions and challenges encountered, and at this moment is to continue to achieve the desired success,”

With the departure of José Gonçalves, two new ministries were created, one of Maritime Economy, supervised by Paulo Veiga, until now Secretary of State of this portfolio, and Tourism and Transport, assumed by economist Dr. Carlos Jorge Duarte Santos.

The New Minister of Tourism Dr. Carlos Jorge Duarte Santos.

The Minister also said “there are very well-known people” who will take over the two ministries under his responsibility and augured the “greatest successes” to the new inductees. “And I am quite sure that they will be zealous in everything that is in the Government’s program and will make Cape Verde a more developed, more inclusive country, a country for the benefit of all Cape Verdeans,”

José da Silva Gonçalves started in 2016 as Minister of Economy and Employment, Tourism, Maritime and Air Transport and was also responsible for Telecommunications, Maritime Economy, Digital Economy, Industry and Trade, Energy, Vocational Training and Professional Internship Program. and Employment Promotion.


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