Cabo Verde: Tourism Ministry ink Agreement with Stakeholders to promote Domestic Tourism


A collaboration protocol to stimulate and foster domestic tourism in Cabo Verde involving different players from the Tourism sector was signed on Thursday, February 11, in the city of Praia. The Minister of Tourism and Transport, Carlos Santos said the act is of greater importance, as the domestic tourism Project is yet another piece in the building that is being erected in view of the resumption of tourism in Cape Verde.

Minister of Tourism and Transport, Carlos Santos. Photo Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Transport

According to Carlos Santos, the Project is aimed at pursuing one of the goals arising from the Government’s view on tourism, based on diversification, deconcentration, competitiveness and increased positive impact on Cape Verdean families.

′′ This Project consists of facilitating and harmonizing the actions of different players in order to create a tourist product on the islands to stimulate and capture those who want to visit these islands “, Carlos Santos emphasized.

Carlos Santos also recalled a number of initiatives and actions that have been carried out by the Ministry of Tourism and Transportation in the launch of new tourist products aimed at certain niches, in particular, the Remoe Working Cabo Verde Project; the Tourist and Environmental Valuation Project of Rural Villages; o Tourism and Housing Project / Local Accommodation; Cape Verde Air Connectivity Project and the Saudade Tourism Project.

Objectives of Protocol
Taking into account the economic advantages that institutional collaboration can enhance to promote the domestic tourism sector and, in the spirit of partnership, the Ministry of Tourism and Transport and the different players in the sector, decided to conclude the said Protocol, aiming essentially, promotion and activities that enable the development of joint partnerships and multilateral cooperation and the Institucional Partnership to boost the internal tourism sector in Cabo Verde.

The Agreement provides for intensively and concerted cooperation in order to define the most convenient mechanism for driving internal tourism, and in close cooperation with other sector actors, to implement the commitments made quickly and efficiently, aimed at pursuing the proposed objectives, in addition to working together and following the rigorous implementation of the signed Protocol.

The document was signed by the Directorate General for Tourism and Transportation, ASA (Airports and Air Security), Cape Verde Handling, Cape Verde Tourism Chamber (CTCV) Cape Verde Travel Agencies Association (AAVT) Association of Incoming Agencies (ACVAI) and Cape Verde Interior Transportation (TICV)

The act of signing this protocol was attended by several public and private institutions linked to the sectors and subsectors of Tourism in the country.


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