Ethiopian introduces an upgraded chatbot service


Ethiopian Airlines Group, the Largest Aviation Group in Africa has introduced an upgraded chat-bot for domestic and international flight uses. The Ethiopian chat-bot, dubbed “Lucy” is equipped with various self-service features that will enable passengers to easily process their travel needs.

Passengers can simply use their mobile to book, pay, check-in, check flight status, get information on free and excess baggage and Live Chat through the chat-bot. The chat-bot is available in both Amharic and English languages with an Ethiopian calendar installed for Amharic language users.

Beyond the previous features that were limited only to domestic flight services, the new enhanced Ethiopian chat-bot is expanded with more features to provide services to both domestic and international flight users with multiple payment options. Among the new features included in the chat-bot is an option where passengers can send their feedback.

Regarding the upgraded chat bot, Ethiopian Director Integrated Marketing Communications, Mr. Mesfin Biru said, “We are constantly working on ways to improve our accessibility to our customers. Our main goal is to secure simplicity and convenience in the services we provide. With the upgraded chat-bot, passengers will have additional option to process their travel globally at their convenience.”

Easily accessible on telegram and messenger, the chat-bot is expected to have a vital role in simplifying travelers’ experience. “Lucy”, the Ethiopian chat bot is an additional online platform of the airline along with Ethiopian website and mobile app.


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