Angolan President visits UNWTO headquarters


The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili has received the President of Angola H.E. Mr. João Lourenço, in the organization’s headquarters in Madrid, Spain.

The high-level visit by the head of state of Angola is a testament to the organization’s relationship with its member states at the highest political level.

The two leaders discussed very pertinent issues regarding tourism restart in Angola and Africa. They discussed at length the guidelines for UNWTO’s Brand Africa and how tourism can take its rightful place in African economies making it the largest employer of its people.

Other matters include a brief of the UN Tourism Organization’s technical assistance projects.

In a tweet, the Secretary-General said “It is a great honour to welcome President of Angola @jlprdeangola to @UNWTO headquarters. Your visit highlights Angola’s efforts to drive sustainable growth through tourism. UNWTO is ready to work hand in hand to make this happen! Am very pleased to offer this plaque to the President of Angola 🇦🇴 @jlprdeangola for his contribution to tourism’s recovery.”

Angola has been a member of the world tourism organization since 1989


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