Seychelles International Airport digital transformation boosts arrival Processes


Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) recorded its fastest ever screening times for arrival passengers in March this year – with all necessary checks such as Health, Immigration, Customs and baggage claim completed in just 35 minutes per 100 passengers.

Health screening alone has dropped from 55 minutes to just 8 minutes per 100 passengers, while the time to process 100 passengers for Immigration has dropped 50% from 41 minutes to 20 minutes in the same timeframe.

Crucially, this sees the SCAA well on-track to reach the ICAO standard for overall passenger processing of 45 minutes with 61% of flights processed within this target.

This success follows the digitization of the Immigration processing system and the integration of the blue disembarkation card into the Seychelles Islands Travel Authorization platform, powered by Travizory Border Security.

As of 21st February, passengers at Seychelles Airport no longer have to present paper forms to Immigration or Customs Officers on arrival. Instead, a simple scan of their passport will arm Officers with the information needed to effectively profile and process passengers.

As a result, travelers do not have to complete or present any additional paperwork to Seychelles Authorities once their Travel Authorization has been approved.

As international travel picks up again, this will give greater confidence to passengers by guaranteeing a contactless travel experience, thus minimizing health risks by limiting interactions on arrival.

Mr. Colin Chang-Tave, the General Manager for Airport Management at the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority, said:

“For the first time since the resumption of commercial flights in August 2020, the average overall processing time for arriving passengers was below the 45 minutes target set by ICAO. Currently, 61% of flights are processed within this target – firmly above the 21 % of flights that met this standard in August 2020.”

Renaud Irminger, CEO Travizory Border Security said:

“Travizory’s mission is to facilitate secure digital border crossings for travelers and governments – and the digitisation of the arrival experience at Seychelles Airport illustrates that a pleasant travel experience and robust security can go hand-in-hand.”


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