“Amplifying Africa’s voice”: UN Tourism Chief stresses gastronomy’s role in boosting African tourism


The inaugural UN Tourism Regional Forum on Gastronomy Tourism for Africa has commenced in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Opening yesterday, July 26, the forum has gathered tourism professionals and stakeholders from across Africa and the globe to emphasise the importance of gastronomy as a catalyst for the continent’s tourism industry.

The forum aims to explore how Africa’s rich culinary traditions, characterised by diverse flavours and exotic ingredients, can be leveraged to boost tourism.

UN Tourism Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili delivered the opening remarks, expressing gratitude to President Emmerson Mnangagwa for his hospitality and Tourism Minister, Barbara Rwodzi for organising the event. He also acknowledged Joxe Mari Aizega of the Basque Culinary Centre for his support as co-organiser.

“This has been a truly global Forum from the start. It is only fitting that we meet in one of the world’s most exciting gastronomy regions – Africa! Zimbabwe is the natural host for this landmark event,” said Pololikashvili.

He praised Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa, for her enthusiasm and promotion of Zimbabwe’s culinary heritage, noting her active support for the Regional Traditional Festival.

Pololikashvili highlighted traditional dishes like Mopane Worms and sadza, enjoyed by both locals and tourists, as key elements placing Zimbabwe on the gastronomy tourism map. These dishes are central to the ZimBho! global marketing campaign, recognised at the recent Brand Africa forum in Zambia.

During the forum, a new brochure developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry will be launched, showcasing the richness of Zimbabwean gastronomy.

The event will also feature pitches from four entrepreneurs proposing local solutions to regional gastronomy tourism challenges, along with presentations from some of Africa’s top chefs and culinary experts.

Pololikashvili announced the forthcoming naming of new UN Tourism Ambassadors, tasked with promoting sustainable gastronomy tourism, and emphasised the forum’s goal to establish a long-term roadmap for the growth of gastronomy tourism in Africa.

A significant outcome of the forum will be the establishment of the Africa International Tourism Academy for Culinary Arts in collaboration with UN Tourism, which aims to provide students with the knowledge and guidance needed to excel professionally in the culinary field.

“We are here today to amplify the voice of Africa and bring the continent to the forefront. By listening to the ideas of international experts and young entrepreneurs, we can tackle the big challenges and seize the opportunities regional gastronomy presents for Africa’s tourism,” Pololikashvili postulated.

The regional forum promises to lay the groundwork for the development of a comprehensive Agenda for Gastronomy Tourism in Africa, ensuring the sector benefits both people and the planet.


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