Joshua Nkomo Tourism Heritage Trails heralds 11th Sanganai Hlanganani Travel Expo


The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) has earmarked the Tourism Heritage Trails to celebrate one of the founding fathers of Zimbabwe and Former Vice President Joshua Nkomo.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Fr Karigoka Kasake disclosed this to the media during the official press conference to open the 11th Sanganai Expo in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority CEO Karigoka Kaseke speaking at the press briefing

According to Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Chief Executive Karikoga Kaseke, The Tourism Heritage Trails entail the crafting of roots that tourists can undertake if they want to understand the history behind of this iconic liberation figure and also add up to the already rich offering of the country’s tourism.

“We are certain that this product will be a success and we will not only profile the region where the late Vice President hailed from, but we will take tourists across our great nation because Father Zimbabwe was never confined to Bulawayo. He was far more popular in other parts of the country than he was in Bulawayo,” Kaseke told a media briefing ahead of the 11th edition of the annual tourism expo.

Cultural display during the march

A procession of 3 kilometres amidst cultural display was held in the city centre of Bulawayo to kick start the trail.

The Sanganai/Hlanganani Travel Expo, which continues to grow in leaps and bounds has confirmed 300 companies and 240 hosted international buyers as well as 15 international media for this year’s edition.

The Joshua Nkomo statue in the city centre

Countries participating in this year’s exhibition include South Africa, Ghana, Germany, Italy, China, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia among others.

The ZTA Boss Kaseke applauded South Africa which he referred to as senior brother continue to participate in the exhibition and have 25 Tour participating in the expo.

Click view the full album of the Trail


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