Zambia gets new Tourism Minister as Banda moves to Local Government


Photo: The Secretary General with the Minister Ronald Chitotela at the welcome reception last night

Zambia’s former Minister of Infrastructure Ronald Chitotela has been named the new Minister of Tourism and Arts in President Edgar Lungu’s latest government reshuffle announced last week Friday 19th July by the state house.

Minister Chitotela takes over from Charles Banda who moves to the Local Government Ministry.

L-R: Incoming Tourism Minister Ronald Chitotela and outgoing Minister Charles Banda at the airport to welcome the UNWTO Secretary General

Mr. Charles Banda officially introduced the incoming Minister to the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili when they received the later at the VIP lounge of the airport.

The UNWTO Secretary General paid glowing tributes to the out going minister and thanked him for his support during his first year as Secretary General. He welcomed the new minister and pledged support for the country’s tourism sector.

Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili is on a 4-day working visit to Zambia by the invitation of the Government.


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