UNWTO to outdoor Brand Africa Toolkit


The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) will later this year, launch a Brand Africa Toolkit.

Addressing delegates at the just ended Brand Africa Conference in Namibia, Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili disclosed that the Toolkit will help countries align and lead the continent’s evolution as a competitive tourism destination.

“In the coming months, UNWTO will launch a Brand Africa Toolkit. This toolkit will address the key issues faced in Destination Brand Management. It will allow destinations to reach new audiences, build consumer confidence and tourism resilience, and strengthen their brand value in the post-COVID-19 world,” he affirmed.

The Secretary General brought up the delegates, who comprised, Tourism Ministers, Brand Experts among others to speed on some of the projects his outfit has been and is involved in recent times in Africa.

He mentioned that “Alongside this, we have published our book “A Tour of African Gastronomy”, to help show a different side to the continent. In the same spirit, we will soon be launching the Coffee Table book to rekindle the tourism industry in Namibia and in the southern sub-region. We count on your support and cooperation to advance our goals.”

He added that working within the African Continental Free Trade Area and the Single African Travel Market has never been more important.

“And we also need strong public and private partnerships to be at the heart of tourism’s restart and future growth. And I urge all our Member States to adopt the Windhoek Pledge on Advocating Brand Africa.
This way, together we can showcase Africa to the world, welcome more people to the continent and make tourism a central part of Africa’s future.” Zurab said.

Story by: Samuel Obeng Appah


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